On chilly and damp day MetroNY NRA Chapter successfully hosted the Summer 2017 Training Conference, June 6th, Exploring Contemporary Issues in Rehabilitation, at NYU’s Wasserman Center.
Over 40 counselors and service providers attended the event and our Board members were quite busy at the registration desk. Registration is an important part of the event as it ensures participants receive their continued education credits for attending this training.
- From Left: Board Members Ms. Cheryl Bourne & Mr. Tony LaGatutta
- From Right: Co President Ms. Wendy Hersh & Ms. Cheryl Bourne looking on
MetroNY NRA Chapter has always started conferences with a healthy complimentary breakfast along with the welcome address from the Board members, and this time it was no different.
- Ms. Cheryl Bourne is inspecting the beautiful spread of complimentary breakfast.
- Breakfast galore!
Following the welcome address from the Co-President of MetroNY NRA Chapter, Ms. Amrita Misra, the first award of the day was presented to an exemplary participant of rehabilitation services.
The recipient of this year’s Nelson A. Voorhees Award was a United States Marine Veteran Matias Ferreira, who is the first double amputee police officer in the country. Unfortunately, Mr. Ferreira wasn’t able to attend the event so he was introduced to the audience through this news clip.
- Ms. Amrita Misra, introducing Nelson A. Voorhees Awardeer Mr. Matias Ferreira
- US Marine Veteran Matias Ferreira
- Ms. Amrita Misra presenting the Nelson A. Voorhees Award
The Rehabilitation Program of Distinction Award was presented to Mr. Kingsley Rowe, Re-Entry Program Director at NYU Prison Education Program. Ms. Leahy was a presenter at this conference and the Board members decided to surprise her with this award.

MetroNY NRA Chapter Treasurer Ms. Paula Lee, presenting Rehabilitation Program of Distinction Award to Mr. Kingsley Rowe
The first presentation of the day was by Mr. Jordan Wexler, Co-Founder of Rehabilitation Through Entrepreneurship Center. Mr. Wexler is a returning presenter who provided an update on the program he helped start 3-years ago.
The mission of his center is to provide an accessible and consolidated database of information for ex-convicts that can help them convert street skills into professional skills. We aim to teach and train these individuals to begin to adapt the mentality of an entrepreneur so they can find employment and better job opportunities.
- Mr. Jordan Wexler
- Mr. Jordan Wexler, Co-Founder of Rehabilitation Through Entrepreneurship Center
- Mr. Wexler presented on ‘The Modernization of Employment Opportunities’
The next presentation for ethics credits was by Dr. Chanpreet Singh. Dr. Singh currently works with the Department of Veterans Affairs as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Her topic was Distance Counseling: Ethical and Clinical Implications.
- Dr. Chanpreet Singh presenting ‘Distance Counseling: Ethical & Clinical Implications’
- Dr. Chanpreet Singh
- Dr. Chanpreet Singh
The Patricia J. Livingston Public Policy Award was conferred to one the rehabilitation field’s ardent advocate, Ms. Patricia Leahy. Ms. Leahy currently serves as Director of Government Affairs, National Rehabilitation Association.
- Ms. Cheryl Bourne presenting the Patricia J. Livingston award to a very surprised Ms. Patricia Leahy
- Ms. Leahy receives a standing ovation from the audience on receiving the award
- Ms. Leahy with the MetroNY NRA Board (from left: Dr. Obie Nichols, Ms. Wendy Hersh, Ms. Amrita Misra, Mr. Tony LaGatutta, & Mr. Anthony Spinelli
Ms. Leahy presented ‘View from Washington D.C.’. If you are not in the mailing list for the Washington Wire from Ms. Leahy, then contact her at patricia@nationalrehab.org and request to be added on.
Mr. Martin Kohli is also a returning presenter from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics who updated the audience regarding the Bureau’s latest findings on the career & employment trends among workers with disabilities.
- Mr. Martin Kohli of US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Mr. Kohli presenting ‘Career Information for Persons with Disabilities’
The final awardee for the day was Ms. Valerie Lyons, who was nominated for Frank Rowe Rehabilitation Practitioner of Distinction Award. Ms. Lyons also was the final presenter of the day and reinvigorated the audience by talking about ‘Power Networking from Inside Out’.
- Prof. Andrew Pasternak presenting the Frank Bowe award to Prof. Valerie Lyons
- Prof. Lyons with her award
- Prof. Valerie Lyons presenting on ‘Power Networking from the Inside Out’